We provide in-depth information and planning about recommended destinations and spiritual spots in Europe. Open-air operas are popular in summer.

Église Saint-Sulpice

  • 2024年3月8日
  • 2024年3月11日
  • 2view

The Da Vinci Code has made the church of St. Sulpice so famous that many tourists come to check out the book and ask questions about it, causing the church to put up a sign warning that the fictional content of the book is not true.

The church explains that the P and S in the small round windows at the end of the left and right aisles do not stand for Priory of Sion, but for the names of the monks, Peter and Sulpice.

It used to be a quiet, little-known but enigmatic church. Construction continued over the centuries until 1631 on an old church dating back to the 13th century. The new building was started in 1646 and completely renovated in 1787. The long years and huge expense of the new building are considered a mystery, and some conspiracy theories suggest that the source of the funds may be related to the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery.

Spiritual & Energy Lines

The church of Saint-Sulpice was a spiritual center in the 16th and 17th centuries.

As many churches incorporate energy flow into their design, this church also has an underground water vein. The water depth near the entrance is 13 meters and 43 meters deep at the extreme rear section.

The gnomon, obelisk, and brass lines on the floor are not cult symbols, but were installed in 1727 as a sundial based on the position of the sun and for astronomical measurements to determine the seasons.

Famous churches and cathedrals have lines indicating the movement of the sun, as it is necessary for the scheduling of events and other religious ceremonies.

Winter solstice                   ー On brass line in marble obelisk A  
Equinoxes                   ー On brass plate at the entrance  B  
Summer solstice                ー On marble plate C  

<←Figure by Geobiology>

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Paris Olympics will be held this summer! Specifically customizing your demand in meticulous care.